Updates on Alpha-Trader.com (20190109)

Merging two Companies

This release mainly features the possibility to perform a merger of two companies.


A merger unites two companies into one. The acquiring company takes over the acquired company. For performing a merger a poll has to be iniated in advance.

Iniating a merger poll

Initiating a merger poll will ask the company’s shareholder for merging the company into the currently selected company of the poll initiator. The shareholders have to accept the maximum cash to be paid to them offered by the acquiring company. With the start of the poll a special purpose company is founded and the needed amount of cash is transferred to it. If the poll succeeds, a merger is announced and all running polls of all kinds are cancelled. After that starting new polls is not possible until the merger is over. 

The Merging Process

During the merger the company’s portfolio positions are transferred to the acquiring company. The average buying price of the positions is preserved while transferring the pieces to the portfolio. All achievements that the acquiring company has not reached yet are transferred from the acquired to the acquring company. In case that the acquired company is a bank the acquiring company gets the banking license as well. Existing bonds of the company are kept and the issuer changes to the acquiring company.

Running mergers on overview pageGroup Chats

Group chats and 1on1 chats get a bigger icon left to the chat’s name to make it more obvious.

Group chats

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