Updates on Alpha-Trader.com (20180412)

AlphaCoins, Graphics and Companies

Just a week has passed since the last release but here is another one 🙂


AlphaCoins is a new digital currency that is securitized and listed. AlphaCoins can be created by users with their miner.

My Alphacoins

Every user owns a miner. It can be found through the sidebar under [USER] -> My AlphaCoins.

AlphaCoins Miner

On top of the page the current price for an AlphaCoin is shown. It helps you to estimate the current worth of your mining process and is a link to the AlphaCoins‘ listing as well.

A miner produces a fixed amount of coins per hour. Mined coins can be transferred to the user’s portfolio by clicking the the transfer button. A miner has a maximum capacity of coins it can store which is reached every 20 hours in case the user hasn’t transferred yet.

Full miner

Once the miner is full a symbol in the navigation reminds you to transfer your mined coins. However you can transfer every fully mined coin whenever your mining produces one.

Upgraded miner

Miner can be upgraded to get more coins per hour. Upgrades get more and more expensive while the mining output increases.

AlphaCoins in the sidebarThe AlphaCoins‘ listing can be accessed like every other security listing but has its own link in the sidebar too.

New listing type

As you can see AlphaCoins uses a new type of listing called ‚Coin‘.

Trasferred coins

To turn AlphaCoins into cash you can sell them like every other security on the market. You are free to hold them if you expect its price to rise too.

Game Graphics

As you may have noticed in the alpha section above Alpha-Trader.com features some new graphics in order to create a more game-like feeling. There are two more new graphics added to the game.

A successful actionA successful action shows the happy alpha trader.

A unsuccessful action

An unsuccessful action shows the angry alpha trader.

Companies Page

You can now browse all companies by using the new companies page.

Companies list page

You can find it in the sidebar in the market section.

Companies page in the sidebar

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